Nov./Dic. - 2005 - Nov./Dec.

Testo in italiano


INDEX of the no. 62

  • Happy New Year, finally…
  • The Kyoto Protocol: from Montreal a warning to Italy (PDF)
  • LPG on the golf courses (PDF)
  • From 2007 car demolition will be free of charge (PDF)
  • Costly Petrol? British choose LPG (PDF)
  • Israel’s shorting time (PDF)
  • In Sweden the first biogas train (PDF)
  • The Po River: a new Bicycle lane (PDF)
  • Altero Matteoli speaks about the Kyoto Protocol (PDF)
  • Waiting for a structural plan – ICBI and MAP incentives (PDF)
  • Fuel and environmentally friendly vehicles. What do authorities and politicians think?(PDF)
  • Revenue (PDF)
  • The Ecomobility Aword equally divided between Piemonte and Turin (PDF)
  • 30th Motor Show: winds of change – Environment is on the scene (PDF)
  • Natural Gas for the automotive sector at Motor Show Business (PDF)
  • Ecogas Consortium and Reseller Commission: Joint Effort and Appointment of Regional Representatives (PDF)
  • Grand Espace, a real Dream Car – Renault Espace OMVL (PDF)
  • Free to die (PDF)
  • What operators say – Bigas (PDF)
  • UN/ECE Regulation no.115 (PDF)
  • Natural Gas and Oil will still be Leading the Scene until 2030 (PDF)
  • The troubled horizons of oil (PDF)
  • Ecological Vehicles: contributions for individuals and companies
  • Eco-Cars in Italy: Characteristics and Prices  (in Italy: only italian Text)
  • Eggs and Cars (PDF)


 Next magazine (No.63) will be ready the 15th February 2006

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Next issue the 5th Febb. 2006)



Happy New Year, finally…

At the end we go against the mainstream launching an optimistic signal for 2006: the year 2005 was fairly good for the clean mobility and signals are fine for 2006. “Finally” someone says “thank goodness” we prefer. Light and shade are there, as usual, but a non-catastrophic scenario at least. Certainly the excise on LPG is still high (and good surprises could be in the financial act…), incentives are not yet structural and always procedures seems complex, but actually a virtuous circle began which could give good results, if carefully cared.

You’ll read inside, incentives by the Ministry of Productive Activities and of the Environment are starting, which have been awaited and useful, at least for many. The number of conversions are timidly increasing: 130,000 conversions in 2005 in comparison with the 110,000 in 2004 (miles offfrom the 250,000 in the legendary 2000!) Workshops are working even at 15 days stand-by. Demand increases, production increases, prices fall. That is a definite and useful rule. The winch with pain disappeared from the face of the industrial operators, not yet happy are the gas retailersbut can state that the drop decreased. This is positive as the sale fall has even reached –10% monthly while only -5% is now.

Everything is ok? Don’t exaggerate: it is going better than in December 2004, thus the season’s greetings are not out of place finding a non upset sector, even not quiet. Sadly the gas sector trend is traditionally wavering and the market curve is much more similar to the alternating current chart than to an industry graph but for curve peak to be lowered, industry must use this development stage for investing in research, installers training, quality updating and principally in communication. Communication not only for single trade marks, is could be also good, but also in general giving demonstration that the LPG or CNG option is ecological right, economically valuable and technically safe. And drivers have to be told, otherwise users will onlyknow about limitations, incentives, parking and risks etc. without having the true knowledge of the product, of the meaning of gas conversion and of the deriving economic and ecological advantages. All those main producers courageously (let’s tell it) exhibiting at the Motor Show did a significant step answering users and not only installers. We believe that this is the right way. Now the sector is ready enough to accept the challenge and to get out of the niche.

Season’s greeting

Ugo Nazzarro




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